After a Bachelor in Computer Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), I am now at the end of a Master in Internet Computing and am looking for influential firms in order to broaden my professional experience and perform a Master Thesis Project.
During my bachelor I started early to work on real-life projects notably for Alpreco where I had a huge impact on their workflow by developing a powerful application in java. I allowed them to save hundreds of precious man-hours a year and made a real difference for this company.
Lately I was brought to work on amazing project with Google and Artmyn like the design of an interactive tutorial framework or the visualisation of several-gigabytes-big images and geomety over the internet.
Now I am even more eager to jump into bigger projects and, given that I grew some interest for subject not dispensed by the EPFL, I started developing projects during my free time where I can learn new technologies and apply them to ideas I come up with. I suggest you to visit my project gallery to view some of my biggest creations.